Husova 3 831 01 Bratislavský kraj Bratislava III Slovakia
Železničná 34 821 07 Bratislavský kraj Bratislava II Slovakia
Pekníkova 6 841 02 Bratislavský kraj Bratislava IV Slovakia
Úprkova 3 811 04 Bratislavský kraj Bratislava I Slovakia
Kalinčiakova 12 831 04 Bratislavský kraj Bratislava III Slovakia
Lazaretská 9 811 08 Bratislavský kraj Bratislava I Slovakia
Park 14 900 31 Bratislavský kraj Malacky Slovakia
Have a good hard think before putting your children in this kindergarten. Only one teacher, they will not be direct in letting you know there is a issue with your child when you pick them up. This kindergarten doesn't follow the Montessori way in giving children the chance to learn and shine in their own way.
Our 2 kids spent combined 5 years in The Children's House. The clear strength of the kindergarten is encouraging kids for love of learning, for striving to understand the world around, for exploration and digging deeper - all delivered at an age-appropriate level. There is also a strong element of being responsible for myself and ability to think of good/bad. Both kids left looking forward to moooore school and learning; not knowing if they play in Slovak or English. Having said that, if you are looking for a very alternative, nature-based place, this is not your top pick.